Mahieddine Raoui
Mahieddine works in close collaboration with investment funds and advises “Family Offices” on the diversification and security of their investments.
He also advises international groups on regulated markets (telecoms, life sciences, media, banking, insurance, etc.) and assists our clients in complex multilateral negotiations.
Maya Ghellal
Maya focuses her practice on Major Infrastructure Projects, Construction Law (EPC, power plants, desalination plants, industrial projects, transports etc), Energy Law (Oil & Gas, Mining, Renewable Energies), Project Finance and International arbitration.
She assists multinationals and governments in all aspects of their projects, from their first steps in a new market to all phases of project development and implementation. She resolves and negotiates complex legal issues involving multiple stakeholders from different jurisdictions involved in large-scale infrastructure projects.

Adel Rafik Boumedad
Adel represents international companies, public companies and private operators and guides them in important legal and administrative disputes.
Adel regularly participates in seminars related to the modernization of economic law.
Brahim Embouazza
Brahim is also regularly asked by public authorities or international agencies to contribute to the development of regulatory frameworks adapted to new “business models”.
He co-founded ASI (“Algeria start-up initiative”), a pioneering non-profit initiative promoting entrepreneurial culture in the Maghreb region and plays an active role in important national and international “Business Angels” networks. .